
Paleo Owl by Chris Maynard

Paleo Owl.

Paleo Owl.

I welcome the darker and colder and wetter seasons because, I tend to spend more time inside without feeling the pull of the warm sun drawing me to explore the natural world. I get to work on art. The themes of my winter pieces will sometimes edge away from portraying certain kinds of birds and their behaviors and more toward the meanings associated with feathers and flight.This is a piece I made last winter. If I lived in a cave, a fire would light the walls, casting upward shadows. I made the piece specifically for this kind of shadow. Because it needs to be lit from below, it has not left my studio. A home or gallery is almost always lit from above, so it would have to have special lighting for this piece.  Now that I think of it though, some upward lighting would feel kind of cozy on a cold winter night.

My inspiration was from a petroglyph that you can go see in Columbia Hills State Park on the Washington State side of the Columbia River.  I took the liberty of stylizing an image to adapt it to feather cutting.

Petroglyph in Columbia Hills State Park, Washington.

Petroglyph in Columbia Hills State Park, Washington.